API:2/account change for PoF
When I get the data of my account that has yesterday purchased and unlocked PathOfFire the API still says in field “Access” only “HeartofThornes” and not “PathOfFire”.
And because an account can have purchased PathOfFire but not HeartOfThornes and vice versa, it maybe would be a good idea to change the value of the field “access” to a comma separated list, like in this examples:
- None
- PlayForFree
- GuildWars2
- HeartOfThorns
- PathOfFire
- HeartOfThorns,PathOfFire
What do you think?
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Was considering adding a second field, “accesses” or something that’s just an array.
Really not a fan of the comma separated list, but it’s probably the more backwards-compatible approach.
It doesn’t have to be a comma separated list. An array “accesses” would be fine for me.
I was reading an old post on gw2efficiency.
It seems Hero Points per toon is not available in the API. It would be helpful to quickly see which of my toons needs more HP for new elite skill. That would just be a single field per toon record.
Can you consider adding that and maybe some other relevant stuff (masteries perhaps)?