API:2/maps - multiple and missing ids
Elfo Bianco.3786:
Hello, I’m creating an App that let me download the maps of the game from the Tile Service, so I’m using the API:2/maps to speed up the process to retrieve the necessary informations, but when I check the list of available maps I see that there are multiple ids for the same map (same map = same informations), rarely they differ only for one information.
For Guild Halls maps there are 10 ids, 6 of them are identical to each other for the Lost Precipice/Gilded Hollow map, 4 of them are identical to each other for the Claiming the Lost Precipice/Claiming the Gilded Hollow map. In addition, all 10 ids of Gilded Hollow maps are missing.
Actually I haven’t checked if there are other missing maps, but why are some maps missing and above all why are there multiple ids of the same map??
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Not a clue why Gilded Hollow is missing, but there are multiple copies of each guild hall map because they’ve got different population caps.