API achievement points differ to ingame value
when I count the permanent achievements points from the API data they differ from the in-game value in the game client.
At first I thought i did something wrong but I verified it with a character that does not have many achievements (/v2/account/achievements gives only 10 records). See the attached screenshot.
From these 10 achievements I calculated 8 permanent AP, but the in-game panel shows in the sum 18 permanent points.
But when I go through all the achievements in the hero panel, I count also only 8 AP, which matches the api data.
So it seems, that the permanent AP sum in-game is off/wrong.
Has anyone an idea or solution for this?
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Are you adding the daily_ap and monthly_ap from /v2/account as well? That might cause the difference.
There definitely is a bug somewhere in the AP calculation, but IIRC it’s a difference of 1AP that we haven’t been able to puzzle out.
Are you adding the daily_ap and monthly_ap from /v2/account as well? That might cause the difference.
daily_ap and monthly_ap are both 0 in /v2/account and in-game. I have attached screenshots of both.
There definitely is a bug somewhere in the AP calculation, but IIRC it’s a difference of 1AP that we haven’t been able to puzzle out.
The account above has only 10 achievements finished/started, so maybe, because he has not so much data, it could be easier to find the bug (in the gw2 data or in my calculation) with this than with other accounts.
Elfo Bianco.3786:
The account above has only 10 achievements finished/started, so maybe, because he has not so much data, it could be easier to find the bug (in the gw2 data or in my calculation) with this than with other accounts.
Check your account, especially your money and achievement id=10 “Gold Hoarder”. I can’t test it by myself, but maybe that achievement generate an exception in API, because from your picture you have 72copper in your wallet right now, but that doesn’t mean that you havent reached a bigger value and I think that everyone has earned at least 1gold that counts as 10ap for the achievement.
The current value of achievement id=10 should be the gold value in your wallet if it hasn’t already been completed, because the achievement itself requires that you have a total of 200g in your wallet.
I make an example: if I earn 3g and I spend 2.5g after, my wallet is equal to 50s; that means I have got the first step of the achievement id=10, but for the second one I’m back to only 50s. So when you calculate the ap from achievement id=10 you think that you are still at step 0 while you aren’t.
Actually the reason above is the only one that make sense to me right know and it’s exactly 10ap that you are missing.
p.s.: Lawton could confirm if I’m wrong about it too
Lawton Campbell.8517:
The posted screenshot shows Gold Hoarder has a current value of 72 — which would mean the account has only had 72 copper in it thus far. Lifetime Survivor has a value of 2052 — which (unless you die incredibly frequently) means that the account probably hasn’t done anything except complete the tutorial and gone to a few cities. Gladiator means they’ve only got 500 rank points — which I think is actually the default starting value.
Anyway it looks totally feasible that the account has only ever had 72 copper (and never spent a dime of it).
For my secondary account the historical achievement “Hint Completion”, worth 10 points, was automatically achieved on creation. Check if you have it.
For my secondary account the historical achievement “Hint Completion”, worth 10 points, was automatically achieved on creation. Check if you have it.
Yes, thats it.
I created today a new F2P-Account and this account has 18 AP, but the API shows only achievemens for 8 AP.
Ingame the account has completed “hint completion”.
Then I checked the API data of other accounts for this achievementid 152 and I found, that some accounts have the achievementid 152 and some have not.
This looks like a bug. Any chances, this could be fixed in the API-server?
Lawton Campbell.8517:
This looks like a bug. Any chances, this could be fixed in the API-server?
Eugh, it’s probably bugged because the Hint Completion achievement requires you to complete 0 sub-achievements — so any accounts which have a non-zero value there will have that achievement in the API, but not any new accounts. Here’s a tracking issue.
The Hint-Completion bug seems fixed. Thanks a lot.
I have checked it with a few accounts and now the AP are the same in the api-data and in-game.
But there seems to be another bug, somewhere with the AP.
An older account (created in April 2013) has in-game 8019 permanent-AP, but when I count the permanent AP from the API data the sum is 8039 AP, the difference is exactly 20 AP.
Any ideas which achievements could may be involved? Checking all achievements in-game and compare them with api data could take some time.
Elfo Bianco.3786:
An older account (created in April 2013) has in-game 8019 permanent-AP, but when I count the permanent AP from the API data the sum is 8039 AP, the difference is exactly 20 AP.
Well actually there are missing achievement points from API, so it is very weird that you get more AP from API compared to the game
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Color me totally confused