
Hey guys,

A few days ago I spent a sleepless night implementing an idea I had for a while now. A mix of a documentation and a way to easily interact with the API. It’s super beta right now and reeeally messy since I pretty much built this thing in a few hours completely overfatigued.

You can paste your API key in the box right at the top to get access to the authenticated APIs. To play around with an endpoint simply hover over one one of the white boxes and click the green “Use this endpoint” button. Some input fields will appear in the “Request” table where possible and you can start messing around.

If there’s a demand for it and people actually find this thing helpful I’ll probably rewrite it in a clean and modular aproach from scratch. Hope it’ll be helpful for at least some of you. Cheers, gonna catch some sleep now.


Awesome! I had the same idea a while back and I must say your implementation turned out great.


Great work! 10/10