

I am developing a nifty tool for the trading post and I made quite some progress the last days. However, I am in a personal dilemma right now because my application is requesting the API about 125 times per half an hour to gather all necessary information. I already made some frequency adjustments but still don’t know what amount of requests is okay. I found the “Website Terms of Use” and “Content Terms of Use” but nothing regarding a fair use policy. Does something like this exists?

Kind regards

Lawton Campbell.8517:

125 requests/half hour is not a big deal.

We don’t have any specified rate limits (either as rules or enforced on the server) simply because we haven’t had any serious problems with it yet. If pressed for arbitrary guidelines, I’d say “try to stay under 100k requests/day”.


It was mentioned somewhere, that WvW API is requested enormous amounts or times (keeping most up to date data, I suppose), so your 125 requests are unlikely to be even seen in that river.

I make 44 requests (for 200 items each) for prices every 8 minutes + a few for transactions = some more requests for actual data when I work with my tool, not just keep it up collecting stats.


Thank you both for your reply!