
Please make it so the server names don’t contain “[<language>]”, but rather have the name and another optional field that contains the info that it’s a language-specific server.

{"id":“2010”,“name”:“Seafarer’s Rest”},
{"id":“2203”,“name”:“Elona Reach”,“language”="de"},
{"id":“2104”,“name”:“Vizunah Square”,“language”="fr"},


You may have noticed that theres a system behind the server ids:

digit 0: 1 = NA, 2 = EU
digit 1: 0 = undefined, 1 = french, 2 = german, 3 = spanish
digit 3+4= id

“name” is the name of the world like it’s used everywhere ingame.

Dr Ishmael.9685:

Cliff noted that while digit 1 follows that pattern currently, it’s not guaranteed to remain that way in the future. So just be aware of that.


I’m fully aware of all you both wrote.

I just find it completely absurd that the “[<lang>]” is part of the name in the API as it’s an information that complements the server, not the name.


The language tags are part of the actual server names, with all of the problems this causes, especially in WvW – and ironically, the naming schemes are much more broken in these special languages than in english.

In Beta, there were no tags for the servers, and since renaming a server costs much less than implementing say a real server tag system, this is what they did.


You could do an RegEx to get that part from the name into it’s own variable.
Personally I don’t have a problem with the language being a part of the name.


Guys, I know how to get rid of it, no worries. I’m a coder for the last 15 years and it’s already done in my library. I just find it’s quite strange to have the language being part of the name.

Also, I’m not requesting for a reason, more for an action.