
Quite simply is there an API to show my guildies what other guilds i’m in but not repping. May be of help if people are looking for multiple guilds to meet their needs and have a large friend base etc.


/v2/account gives a list of all the guilds your account has joined. However, it provides guild IDs. You’ll need additional API calls to /v1/guild_details.json to convert those to guild names/tags.

Lawton Campbell.8517:

Quite simply is there an API to show my guildies what other guilds i’m in but not repping. May be of help if people are looking for multiple guilds to meet their needs and have a large friend base etc.

Yes. The “account” permission lets the API key show which guilds you’re in (via /v2/account) — the “characters” permission lets the API key show which guild each of your characters reps (via /v2/characters).