Account-Wide Unlocked Recipes
One of my users deleted a GW2 character, and because of the account-wide recipes patch, the user said they were still able to craft recipes learned by that deleted character. However, since we can only access API recipe unlocks per-character, the recipe unlocks from that deleted character cannot be viewed by API.
Can we also have access to the account-wide recipe unlocks array that the game keep?
/v2/account/recipes contains all the recipes unlocked for the account.
Thanks. How did you know of that endpoint? I can’t find it in Anet’s Github or the wiki.
Lawton Campbell.8517:
The API provides a list of all endpoints. I’ll add that to the github stuff now; that particular endpoint was implemented before the feature was announced and I totally forgot to actually write documentation for it.
Illconceived Was Na.9781:
FYI That doesn’t appear to be documented on the wiki at either:
I just made an update on the talk page for the API on the wiki with all the currently missing entries here: I (and probably others) will work on getting things documented.