Elfo Bianco.3786:

Hello now I’m at API:2/achievements. I’m making a list of all achievements taking them from API:2/achievements/groups then from API:2/achievements/categories, for a total of 1914 achievements and 18.564 AP. I hope that these calculated values are the right ones.
So to calculate the unlocked amount of AP, I use API:2/account/achievements and I compare it with API:2/achievements; so at the end I get 15.338 AP plus 15.000 from daily&monthly = 30.338 AP.
In reality in game I have 30.340 AP, so there are 2 AP missing somewhere XD
I’m quite sure that “General” or “Historical” group have something missing/wrong. For the other groups I have calculated the amount of AP manually and the results are the same taken from my app, but for the two groups above I’m becoming mad.
I have updated the app to get the achievements from API:2/account/achievements that are not in any API:2/achievements/categories and the result is the following list of ids=428,1917,780,883,890,1210,1348,1347,1343,1684,3046,130,104,647,915
Seems that almost all of them are old/daily achievements (it’s what I think) but ids=1684,3046 don’t exist, so I don’t even know if they are something important or not.

p.s.: I’m using data directly from API and not old stored data on pc, so comparisons with other sites/app could return to different results, but I have already checked some and are even wrong in other ways.

Lawton Campbell.8517:

Woot, thanks for the ids — that made it super easy.

Went ahead and whitelisted both of those achievements.

Elfo Bianco.3786:

Thank you for the fast fix. Now maybe I have something wrong to fix in the app

Elfo Bianco.3786:

Well there are the following ids = 79342,79320,79322,79319 that are missing as API:2/Items for the achievement id 3089

Lawton Campbell.8517:

Well there are the following ids = 79342,79320,79322,79319 that are missing as API:2/Items for the achievement id 3089

Blergh, not sure why whitelisting that achievement didn’t also whitelist the items. Whitelisted the manually while I try to figure out why that isn’t working.


A lot of people seem to have 1 AP more than the API can verify. But so far noone found out the solution.

Elfo Bianco.3786:

A lot of people seem to have 1 AP more than the API can verify. But so far noone found out the solution.

Now from API I have the same AP as in game value.
One of the missing achievements, that I have written in a post above, add 1 AP to the total. It’s the 4th birthday achievement if I’m right.
Now if you still have 1 AP less from API, maybe it could be the achievement id 2963 “Dungeon Frequenter” that has a point_cap of -1; so what I do for repeatable achievements is to check if the value is > 0 else I put it = 0.

Elfo Bianco.3786:

Here we go again!
Lawton I think I have found the last bugs from API:2/achievements.

Achievement id=2030 “For the Children!” has the title id=214 as reward that is missing in API:2/titles.

Achievement id=2049 “Grawnk Munch” has the title id=216 as reward that is missing in API:2/titles.

Achievement id=2562 “Line of Fire” has “bits”:[{"type":“Text”,“text”:“Ally: Canach”},{"type":“Text”,“text”:“Ally: Caithe”},{"type":“Text”,“text”:“Ally: Braham”}] in API:2/achievements, but from API:2/account/achievements I get {"id":2562,current,max,done. With all the other achievements that have “bits” object, API:2/account/achievements returns a “bits” object with unlocked things if done=false, while it returns an empty object “bits”=[] if done=true.
Well achievement id=2562 in API:2/account/achievements misses that object “bits”=[]. Actually I don’t know if there are other achievements with more bits that requires only one to complete, anyway this achievement seems to be a special case.
I could avoid this “bug” checking everytimes if “bits” object is null or not, but I know that everytimes there are bits in API:2/achievements there must exist the same object in API:2/account/achievements.


A lot of people seem to have 1 AP more than the API can verify. But so far noone found out the solution.

Now from API I have the same AP as in game value.
One of the missing achievements, that I have written in a post above, add 1 AP to the total. It’s the 4th birthday achievement if I’m right.
Now if you still have 1 AP less from API, maybe it could be the achievement id 2963 “Dungeon Frequenter” that has a point_cap of -1; so what I do for repeatable achievements is to check if the value is > 0 else I put it = 0.

I dont think so. I have 33.390 both in gw2efficiency and if I do the manual work of adding up all my achievements manually. Ingame I do have 33.391, so there must be a super hidden achievement somewhere.

I suspect it might be from an hidden infinite achievement that existed at release. It required you to transmute items and it was infinite. Before Anet removed it I had about 3k ap from it. Maybe it was resetted to 1 Ap instead of 0?

Elfo Bianco.3786:

I dont think so. I have 33.390 both in gw2efficiency and if I do the manual work of adding up all my achievements manually. Ingame I do have 33.391, so there must be a super hidden achievement somewhere.

I suspect it might be from an hidden infinite achievement that existed at release. It required you to transmute items and it was infinite. Before Anet removed it I had about 3k ap from it. Maybe it was resetted to 1 Ap instead of 0?

Can you link an api key with progression, for few hours, so I can check if there are some achievements in you account that are missing in API:2/achievements?
Anyway all removed achievements should count as 0.

Elfo Bianco.3786:

Lawton in addition to the last 3 bugs written in a reply above, I have found that in category id=33 “Flame and Frost”, in Historical group, there is the strange achievement “Minor in Achievement” id=561, while in category id=22 “Super Adventure Box: World 1” there is another achievement “Minor in Achievement” but with id=863.
So the second achievement is surely right, but the first one with id=561 maybe shouldn’t even exist.

Another thing that I don’t know if is right or not is that some achievements with lot of bits as text (like some explorer achievements) have some bits as text but empty text value for a total amount of objectives that is more than in game value.


Lawton in addition to the last 3 bugs written in a reply above, I have found that in category id=33 “Flame and Frost”, in Historical group, there is the strange achievement “Minor in Achievement” id=561, while in category id=22 “Super Adventure Box: World 1” there is another achievement “Minor in Achievement” but with id=863.
So the second achievement is surely right, but the first one with id=561 maybe shouldn’t even exist.

Another thing that I don’t know if is right or not is that some achievements with lot of bits as text (like some explorer achievements) have some bits as text but empty text value for a total amount of objectives that is more than in game value.

The one in Flame and Frost category is only for accounts who have not logged in since SAB was around first time (and completed the SAB meta achievement). Later a reward was added to the meta achievement and this is a placeholder one. It probably should be blacklisted since it gets converted to the new achievement as soon as you log in.

Also pmed you my api key.

Elfo Bianco.3786:

Ok Malediktus.3740 I have checked your achievements and the id=1257 is an achievement that is missing in API:2/achievements.

p.s. for Lawton: there are some fixes needed written in more replies


maybe it is that one, but it must be one that is hidden ingame, too. I crosschecked gw2efficiency, ingame and wiki already.


Looks like this topic was forgotten

Elfo Bianco.3786:

Looks like this topic was forgotten

I hope in the fixes needed, soon or late :\

Elfo Bianco.3786:

After more than 2 months bugs are still here -_-

Title ids=214,216 are missing and I’m not sure that there aren’t other missing titles in API:2/Title so when you can please check them all.

Achievements id=2562 returns “bits”:[{"type":“Text”,“text”:“Ally: Canach”},{"type":“Text”,“text”:“Ally: Caithe”},{"type":“Text”,“text”:“Ally: Braham”}] , but now I have noticed that these bits are of another achievement, so for the id=2562 “bits” should be null.
Achievement id =1257 is still missing as I have read from other posts on the forum.

Lawton Campbell.8517:

After more than 2 months bugs are still here -_-

I just got back from a two month leave of absence :>

Title ids=214,216 are missing and I’m not sure that there aren’t other missing titles in API:2/Title so when you can please check them all.

214 = The Magnanimous; it’s awarded via achievement so I’m not entirely sure why that’s not coming through (https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/achievements/2030).
216 = Deer Commander; ditto above (https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/achievements/2049).

Not really sure what’s going on with those. Tracking issue.

Achievements id=2562 returns “bits”:[{"type":“Text”,“text”:“Ally: Canach”},{"type":“Text”,“text”:“Ally: Caithe”},{"type":“Text”,“text”:“Ally: Braham”}] , but now I have noticed that these bits are of another achievement, so for the id=2562 “bits” should be null.

Blergh, that’s super annoying. Those bits are associated with the achievement, they’re just not referenced from the achievement tracking part. Will have to add some stuff to filter those out. Tracking issue.

Achievement id =1257 is still missing as I have read from other posts on the forum.

That’s a bugged achievement — need to look into whether it is actually counted towards total AP. Empirically I’ve heard that it doesn’t. Debating on whether to whitelist it on /v2/achievements or to blacklist it from /v2/account/achievements.

Elfo Bianco.3786:

Achievement id =1257 is still missing as I have read from other posts on the forum.

That’s a bugged achievement — need to look into whether it is actually counted towards total AP. Empirically I’ve heard that it doesn’t. Debating on whether to whitelist it on /v2/achievements or to blacklist it from /v2/account/achievements.

Some months ago I checked all AP of Malediktus.3740 and I noticed that only achievement id=1257 is missing and from what Malediktus.3740 himself said between API data and game value there is only 1 AP less.

So, in my opinion, there are three ways:
1* the achievement 1257 counts as 1AP
2* there is another missing achievement that counts as 1AP (I don’t think so)
3* in game value is wrong (Can it be possible!?!)

Lawton Campbell.8517:

I went ahead and whitelisted 1257 — though the data I’m looking at shows it’s worth 5AP. I don’t think it’s the source of the 1AP discrepancy.

Any other missing achievements would show up in /v2/account/achievements, so I don’t think it’s that. It could be something weird with the daily/monthly counts (an off-by-one somewhere in the API code?). Not really sure.

I don’t think the in-game value is wrong though; IIRC someone went through all their achievements and added them up by hand to verify that the in-game value is correct and the API data is wrong. Just haven’t figured out where exactly the error is coming from.


It was me who manually added up everything.

I lost hope that the 1 AP discrepancy can be solved with reasonable effort anymore, but I located more people who have 1 AP more than they can find by manually adding up everything, all veteran accounts. So it is probably either some ancient relic achievement or some kind of overflow/calculation error somewhere.
My newer accounts do not have this 1 AP out of nowhere.