
That being each character’s own

  • world progress (which zones they can open in which mode)
  • skill 2-5, 7-10 unlock
  • skill 1, 5, 6, 8, 10 upgrade
  • the two bauble bag upgrades
  • the three individual songs we can learn
  • perhaps the amount of potions (personally don’t find this important but perhaps for completeness’s sake)

It’s a bit difficult to remember which character you did SAB on a whole year ago and not particularly fun to log into each character and check. Especially because most progression in other game areas is account-bound so we’re not used to remembering a specific character’s progression. (Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to get this ready before the end of this year’s event)

Lawton Campbell.8517:

There’s an open issue for this; the idea was brought up too late for me to get an implementation through the release process before SAB ends this year.

Definitely on the table though, the data seemed pretty straightforward to extract when I looked at it.

Lawton Campbell.8517:

It’s been awhile since I did a Friday afternoon live deploy, but I just turned on /v2/characters/:id/sab which dumps the data. It requires the characters and progression permissions. I’ll add some examples to the github repo on Monday, but in the meanwhile here are the possible unlock values.

(also songs might be broken).

EDIT: deployed a fix for the songs.