Api data corrupt or structure changed
Death Slayer.1468:
So after the patch today (build ID:67659) some of the character data seems to be corrupt or very wrong. Causing a deserializing exception on the character object. Doing my best to find the possible source it seems to be the backlog entry in the character object.
This is how the backlog data looks like for some of my characters, and similar issues on the other.
"backstory":["7-55","12-76","11-72","10-67","186-160"] on my ele
"backstory":["15-84","185-165","17-92","16-90","7-53"] on my warrior
This is supposed to be a list of integer ids as far as I know and the values above cannot be parsed as such. This is the only thing being weird in the api as I know, every other feature I use such as TP listings and account material storage works fine.
Including a limited account api key, showing backlog at the end.
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Sorry, I should have broadcasted this change more widely. The answer ids turned to strings because they weren’t actually unique ids — they’re only unique within the context of a backstory question.