

now returns



maps.json is affected, too.


And items.json only lists about 10 items now.

Stefan Larimore.6872:

I’m taking a look. Thanks for the heads up.


I’m taking a look. Thanks for the heads up.

I don’t know what you did but it seems to be working now. Thanks Stefan.

However, events.json is broken now. Ok, it is because I was querying for “Fort Aspenwood” (world_id = 1009) which has since disappeared from world_names.json.

Details here: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/community/api/BUG-Fort-Aspenwood-events-have-disappeared/first#post3263759

Howell Qagan.9752:

I’m totally stupid for this kinda stuff but checking out any event websites (such as http://divinitysreach.com/ ) there are only a few server names in there.

Stefan Larimore.6872:

A bunch of data behind the scenes resets on new builds (which occurred this morning) and takes a few minutes to get back to normal. This is the cause of the missing world names.

Things appear to be back to normal as I write this.


Ah…I wasn’t aware that an update was coming, I have been out of touch with the recent news lol!

Thank you very much for looking into it Stefan!