

In order to save myself for being ingame all the time for completing the 13 maps achievement, I’ve written a program that uses the Scarlet events from the API to see which map is being invaded. However, on my server (Gandara), there was a bug with one of those events, which resulted into two maps being invaded at the same time (according to the API): Bloodtide Coast and Mount Maelstrom (see the screenshot).

I decided to look into the JSON, because I was not sure if this was a failure on my end. However:


Those two lines are from the Scarlet events from Mount Maelstrom (map_id=39) and Bloodtide Coast (map_id=73). According to one of my guild mates, Bloodtide Coast was active just before Mount Maelstrom. So I guess the server failed to update the event state? I haven’t checked the other servers though.
For reference, Mount Maelstrom was being invaded at 16:00-16:45 CEST.

And just as I was typing this, the API updated with Mount Maelstrom as failed, but Bloodtide Coast is still listed as active.

EDIT: I’ve changed the title to reflect it’s a known problem for every EU event now, instead of only the Scarlet events, as it seems to confuse people.


Those aren’t the only events with that problem. It’s been showing the wrong state for various parts of some of the events with the daily chests. The events themselves seems fine. After completing them it might get reset correctly.

This seems like it has been happening since the patch.


I can confirm that, it’s happening on different servers. I’ve also made a tool to see where the invasion are and we can see that there are 3 maps which have active Invasion event (according to the API, I couldn’t find them IG) → see screenshot

For now I’m counting which map has the most active events but it’s barely right.

My server is Jade Sea [FR].


I see what you mean. At this time of writing, your site says Dredgehaunt Cliffs is active, but I think it’s (or was) Lornar’s Pass.

Hmm… if this is happening on multiple servers, then there might be a workaround (only in this case, other events still suffer from this).
Instead of watching only one server, you can take all servers, and check if a specific map is active on all (or most) of those servers. (Because as far as I know, every server has the same map right?)
I think this is somewhat more reliable than watching each event individually.


You’re right, I didn’t think of that !

I’ll implement that and it should be better, unless all servers fails the same maps ^^"


Haha, yeah. And it seems to bug out even more now. Gandara has 3 “active” right now: Lornar’s Pass, Bloodtide Coast and Fields of Ruin. I’ll see if I can make a proof of concept too.


I noticed something odd : no US server has inaccurate events status for the Invasion.


Is there a URL where you can see the US Scarlet events listed?


I noticed something odd : no US server has inaccurate events status for the Invasion.

That’s… weird… I wonder if every event is more accurate on US servers… and if it’s only the EU servers that’s affected by this.

EDIT: Yup, I can confirm this (at least for the result I got now). At this time of editing (02:52 CEST) Iron Marches has 14 incorrect servers, of which none are US servers. You can take a look for yourself: (the server details are clickable, doing so will give you nice report of the server states).

Stefan Larimore.6872:

Thank you all for reporting this problem as well as noting that it is EU-centric. I’ll be looking into it.

Stefan Larimore.6872:

We have located a part of the API system which is vulnerable to missing event updates from EU during high load periods. There was a combination of factors that caused this to be particularly bad yesterday. I have a plan to fix this problem and will as soon as I can.


Awesome! Thanks for getting onto it so quickly!


I think this issue popped up again yesterday evening. I noticed all the event timer sites using the API said events were up when they weren’t. Is this issue still being addressed?

Stefan Larimore.6872:

The fix is prepared. My goal is to be able to release updates and fixes with reasonably fast turn-around. But due to some process changes we are implementing internally, I need to get some infrastructure setup first before I am able to get this released. I expect updates going forward will be roughly on a two-week cadence, similar to our content releases.


Thanks for the response. Forgive me if I’m mis-interpreting, are you saying the fix will be part of the next big update? (presumably next week’s Tequatl Rising)


I’m not sure about others, but until this is fixed I am unable to develop any of my tools which use the API. I am currently in the middle of a major overhaul of my application (gw2EventOly Suite) and because the results I’m getting for event state are so inaccurate, I can’t do any reliable testing. Are you saying we will have to wait until the next patch/update before this is fixed or will it (hopefully) happen much sooner.


The fix is prepared. My goal is to be able to release updates and fixes with reasonably fast turn-around. But due to some process changes we are implementing internally, I need to get some infrastructure setup first before I am able to get this released. I expect updates going forward will be roughly on a two-week cadence, similar to our content releases.

Good to know the fix is prepared. I cannot wait!

I’m not sure about others, but until this is fixed how can we reliably develop tools to use the API. I am currently in the middle of a major overhaul to my applications as, as a result, I can’t test it as the results I’m getting back for event state information in so inaccurate right now, I can’t do any reliable testing. Are you saying we will have to wait until the next patch/update before this is fixed or will it (hopefully) happen much sooner.

Uhm, I don’t want to sound mean or something like that. But in the programming world, it’s best practice to seperate your application/classes from dependencies for better code testing and maintainability. E.g. here, you can use static sample data you get from the API once, instead of constantly polling the servers for test data. This ensures you are not dependent on the Guild Wars API servers while running your tests (as they can go offline at some point, they can give unreliable results (like now), there’s no internet connection available, etc.).
I’m mostly speaking from OOP experience here. I know setting up something like this can be hard, depending on how your environment is set up. But hey, if you’ve never tried it, it’s something new to try out


And just as I was typing this, the API updated with Mount Maelstrom as failed, but Bloodtide Coast is still listed as active.

I am not sure but could this be also due to the overflows that still have the events on while the main server has already completed them?

Dr Ishmael.9685:

I’m not sure about others, but until this is fixed I am unable to develop any of my tools which use the API. I am currently in the middle of a major overhaul of my application (gw2EventOly Suite) and because the results I’m getting for event state are so inaccurate, I can’t do any reliable testing. Are you saying we will have to wait until the next patch/update before this is fixed or will it (hopefully) happen much sooner.

Don’t use EU worlds to do your testing, there’s nothing wrong with events on US servers.


And just as I was typing this, the API updated with Mount Maelstrom as failed, but Bloodtide Coast is still listed as active.

I am not sure but could this be also due to the overflows that still have the events on while the main server has already completed them?

Overflow servers are simply not available through the API; only the main servers are listed. And it would be weird for the API to take an overflow into account for one main server, as some overflows may simply be another main server. Linking this somehow is just impossible, as, theoretically, every server could be linked then…
Also, I think you missed everyone’s responses here (including from the developer Stefan).


Is this issue effecting every event on EU servers for everyone else?
By every, I mean not just the Scarlet events…
I’ve halted my development of a realtime dynamic event map for the moment as most events do not update on the API in realtime (e.g. champion dead before event state changes) or don’t update at all.

(You can’t guest to US servers from an EU account, so can’t go there to test if this is just normal/intended?)


The fix is prepared. My goal is to be able to release updates and fixes with reasonably fast turn-around. But due to some process changes we are implementing internally, I need to get some infrastructure setup first before I am able to get this released. I expect updates going forward will be roughly on a two-week cadence, similar to our content releases.

Will that be fixing the broken event reporting in the EU or is that a separate thing?


And just as I was typing this, the API updated with Mount Maelstrom as failed, but Bloodtide Coast is still listed as active.

I am not sure but could this be also due to the overflows that still have the events on while the main server has already completed them?

Overflow servers are simply not available through the API; only the main servers are listed. And it would be weird for the API to take an overflow into account for one main server, as some overflows may simply be another main server. Linking this somehow is just impossible, as, theoretically, every server could be linked then…
Also, I think you missed everyone’s responses here (including from the developer Stefan).

I did read their responses but they are not very specific and thus could be interpreted in multiple ways. Besides there were a combination of factors that caused this, according to Stefan. Anyway it was just a long shot guess.

Tom Gore.4035:

A-yup. EU event trackers broken again. How about we get a fix to this soon? The matter is all the more dire as the world boss/temple events are the only way of reliably farming Dragonite Ore.


I’m not sure about others, but until this is fixed I am unable to develop any of my tools which use the API. I am currently in the middle of a major overhaul of my application (gw2EventOly Suite) and because the results I’m getting for event state are so inaccurate, I can’t do any reliable testing. Are you saying we will have to wait until the next patch/update before this is fixed or will it (hopefully) happen much sooner.

Don’t use EU worlds to do your testing, there’s nothing wrong with events on US servers.

Thanks for that idea. That didn’t even enter my mind! Now I can continue……..


I did read their responses but they are not very specific and thus could be interpreted in multiple ways. Besides there were a combination of factors that caused this, according to Stefan. Anyway it was just a long shot guess.

Oh, well… you’re right that it was caused by a combination of factors that we don’t know. I merely thought you were responding to my first post from a couple of weeks ago, without reading the updates below it, and therefore suggesting a problem based on that post. Sorry for that

Is this issue effecting every event on EU servers for everyone else?
By every, I mean not just the Scarlet events…
I’ve halted my development of a realtime dynamic event map for the moment as most events do not update on the API in realtime (e.g. champion dead before event state changes) or don’t update at all.

Yeah, it seems it is affecting every EU event, on high load:

We have located a part of the API system which is vulnerable to missing event updates from EU during high load periods. There was a combination of factors that caused this to be particularly bad yesterday. I have a plan to fix this problem and will as soon as I can.

Whether this being a high load on the API or game servers, I do not know, but I guess it’s the game servers.
I think I will update my first post or title to reflect that it’s affecting every event, instead of only the Scarlet events, as it seems to confuse people.


Yeah, it seems it is affecting every EU event, on high load:

Seems to be wrong no matter what time of day I look


A-yup. EU event trackers broken again. How about we get a fix to this soon? The matter is all the more dire as the world boss/temple events are the only way of reliably farming Dragonite Ore.

Yeah .. especially the last 2 days all the shown events on were totally wrong at least in the evening when most people played. It worked better later at night but doing Jormag at 3:00 or 4:00 is not that easy.


@Stefan Larimore
Could You update us on the progress, please? cute eyes

The API is dodgy for quite some time now, people are starting to go ragenuts as more and more arrive too late for the Bosses and literally see them dying as they are running to do the event.

Or more importantly, they are notified an event is about to start and when they get there absolutely nothing is happening or it finished hours ago.