Characters API Bug
I’ve noticed a bug that when an account has more than 50 characters, and you try to query all of them by requesting page 2 with a second request, the second request will return some of the same characters as from the first request. This could be related to how the characters seem to always be returned in a random order. So currently it seems impossible to request all of the characters on an account with more than 50.
Would it be possible to simply up the page total to the account character limit (68? instead of 50) to get around this or something?
Does the page_size variable not work? As far as I knew, the page size defaulted to 50 on all endpoints, but could be expanded to 200 with ?page=2&page_size=200. I don’t have an API key with 50+ characters, so I can’t test, but it’s something you can try.
Looks like page_size does indeed work. Thanks! Didn’t think to try it since it wasn’t in the docs.
Pat Cavit.9234:
Looks like page_size does indeed work. Thanks! Didn’t think to try it since it wasn’t in the docs. mentions it (& is generally a more-useful resource than the API landing pages anyways)