
I was working on a standalone mapping application and recently ported it to Silverlight for online embedding goodness only to discover that it refuses to access your APIs due to cross-domain security concerns.

It appears that to get it to work you have to place some sort of crossdomain.xml file at the webroot. It appears to be something that flash uses (used to use?) as well.

I was wondering if it would be possible to add this.

MSDN crossdomain.xml Info
Adobe crossdomain.xml Info

Stefan Larimore.6872:

I can look into this as part of the CORS support on the mapping API.


That sounds fantastic! I’m not sure if the file would need to be under and domains for those services as well, but I would guess it would for those to be accessible from Silverlight/Flash.

If you need anything from me let me know, and I’ll be happy to test and provide feedback on whether everything is working on my end.