Difference in data count events/event_names?
I noticed a difference between event_names and events which I cannot explain nor resolve yet.
Calling https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/event_names.json?world_id=2204 returns me 1626 rows of data.
Calling https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/events.json?world_id=2204 returns me 1554 rows of data.
I stumbled over this because event “2555EFCB-2927-4589-AB61-1957D9CC70C8”, “Defeat the Risen Priest of Balthazar before it can summon a horde of Risen.” was simply missing from the events…
Can anyone explain to me why I am getting an incomplete result set from the API and how to fix this? Thank you.
So long,
First of all, event_names.json doesn’t have a world_id parameter, it’s always a list of all events that have been discovered globally.
As for events missing in events.json:
After a new patch, the events list has to re-populate. At the moment there’s a bug where the initial state of an event is not correctly recorded until the event has been initiated on that world at least once. For now, treat missing events as ‘inactive’.
Thank you,
I already suspected as much, but didn’t find this snippet… And yes, i know the events list was global, but it doesn’t mind the world_id param, so I just left it in there for (my) reference.
But then the event_names should be a complete list, whereas the events might miss some entries. Then there is no certain way to connect events and maps (at least not after a patch), or am I missing something here?
So long,