
Are the plans for making it possible to download the complete gw2 database?

Arenanet could make the data available in compressed files that can be downloaded via fx ftp or a torrent. The data could be made available in single file or in multiple files.

This would make it faster to downalod a full dataset and lessen the load on the gw2 api servers.

Stefan Larimore.6872:

Hi Sorenrye,

Interesting idea, sort of under the ‘bulk APIs’ umbrella. It is something we may consider in the future. I think our bulk/paging features will suffice when they are released, hopefully soon.


If the files are only generated when they need to updated, the timestamps on the files can be used to determine when you need to re-download them.

Features for timestamps (diffs/changes to the gw2api db) were discussed in another thread, but it seemed to involve too much work from anet to support said timestamps/diffs.