
I would like to know if there is any news concerning the broken world_names.json api yet, since it has been quite a couple of months now since it has been shut down.

I would eventually need to make use of it, and i d really like to avoid hardcoding the id to worldname mapping.


I think that they are working on the second version (which is currently disabled)


Try this one in the meantime: https://gist.github.com/codemasher/b3b26a77dd0681697c59


Here is another source for cached data from world_names.
I know there is the above link, but this one’s format is closer to the original API.
(Additionnaly, if there is ever an update to the files, the file’s URL won’t need to be changed to use the latest version)



There’s a couple of reasons why i changed the format of the json, some of them mentioned over here (and following): https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/community/api/API-Suggestion-World-vs-World/2455807


Unless i’m mistaken, i’ve only seen objectives and matches suggestions in the thread you linked (i’ll admit i read it really fast).

Btw, i don’t think your’s bad, just for those that want to stick to the ANet format.

In fact it was way simpler for me to change the file URL for the language than to change my deserialization process


But how would you directly access some identifiers value?

I do it like that for example:
