
might be named festivals according to the (at least currently for SAB) responding achievements tab. (or rather festive?)

information i’d like to get:
in general:

  • what festivals are there all together
  • which festivals are live

with given festival:

  • when it starts/stops
  • what components are there for players to participate in
  • what kind of gametype it is apparent in
  • under which restrictions (level, HoT-access?)

example of response:
array of festivals

		"id": 1337, // e.g. SAB 2017
		"live": true
		"id": 2512, // e.g. Wintersday 2016
		"live": false
detailed information on given festival

	"id": 1337,
	"name": "Super Adventure Festival 2017"
		"date_from": "2017/03/30",
		"date_until": "2017/04/20"
	"components": [
			"mode": "general",
			"description": "Buy exklusive gemstore stuff from Moto!"
				"min": 1,
				"max": 80
			"mode": "pve",
			"description": "Visit Rata Sum to try out the Super Adventure Box"
				"min": 1,
				"max": 80

what do you think?
currently i dislike the idea that i’d have to parse the wiki for some user-written update content.

thank you for your time!

Lawton Campbell.8517:

Seems reasonable. I’m pretty sure the previous festivals won’t have any data — prior to SAB, festivals weren’t automatic and needed a game build to turn on/off. SAB is the first one with structured data that the API can expose. Tracking issue.


@Lawton, wow that’s an interesting fact. It’s nice to know they keep improving the game systems behind the scenes.