Event location
I am building a simple web app to display current events running on a map.
It’s working great so far but I can’t find a way to retrieve the area of the event, for instance on the screenshot I’d like to see Gunbreach Hills, Village of smokestead, etc
How can I do that with the API ?
I have a location array using the event_details function but I can’t find a way to retrieve the name of an area of a map.
It’s indeed not possible to link events to their corresponding sectors within a map. So the easiest thing would be to add the sector_id which can be found in map_floor.json to the event_details.json if possible.
https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/community/api/API-Suggestion-Event-Details (hint, hint!)
Ok thank you for your answer smiley. I’ll use this as a workaround until a new version of the API. Hopefully it will be easier to get this information.