EventDetails.Location: how does it work?
Has anyone been able to infer how location works for the event details API? I have been able to map PointOfInterest.Coord very well to the tile API, but I am still unable to see any relationship between the data in EventDetails.Location and the tile API. At this point I am unsure if this location can really be used to locate an event in the map and how. Does anyone now?
Here is an example:
{"events":{"C4A63BCF-B6F9-45E8-87AD-0C94706B1202":{"name":“Defend Barthol on his way to the Old Armory.”,level,map_id,“flags”:[],“location”:{"type":“cylinder”,center,
As you can see, location contains a type, which seems to be a geometry, and a center, which is apparently an X,Y,Z value, but I am unsure how I can use this center to locate the initial position of the event on the map.
Any ideas?
You need to convert those coordinates from map coordinates to continent coordinates using the information from maps.json first. See this thread on how to calculate that.
Thanks, I will take a look at it