Events missing
As of today, some events are missing. For instance, if I try to get the state of the Jormag event on TC:
The result is:
Looking at the event_names response, the Jormag event is gone. Yesterday, event_names listed 1639 events. Right now it’s only showing 930. So it seems that a lot more than Jormag is missing.
Killer Rhino.6794:
Yeah, I noticed that, too. Guessing something affected the APIs as part of the update. Most event data seems to have returned by now.
PS: I also noticed that only a portion of the map names were being returned at the time the missing events were happening. My guess is it wasn’t a coincidence.
If the data is purely stored in memory, it could be possible that it’s simply not available until it occurs at least once. For example, the first time a player enters a map or an event starts.
Cliff Spradlin.3512:
After a new patch, the events list has to re-populate. At the moment there’s a bug where the initial state of an event is not correctly recorded until the event has been initiated on that world at least once. For now, treat missing events as ‘inactive’.