

My guildmates and I would like to quickly compare everyone’s story progress. My strategy would be to fetch and compare everyone’s applicable living world chapter progress achievements, but I’d need to maintain this list myself.

i.e. APIKey 1 has achievement the Confessor’s Stronghold achievement (id: whatever, YOU look it up), so I know she’s done with out of the shadows on at least one character. APIKey 2 does not, so I know they’re further back in the story and I would parse for additional hard-coded ids. Each chapter release, I’d need to look up the names of the story points that award an achievement in the game UI, then find that in the achivement API, and write down that list of IDs in order. Not AWFUL, but what am I, a caveman? I have computers for this sort of thing.

Am I missing something? Is there a clear story progress indicator that you can tease out of character or achievements?

Lawton Campbell.8517:

Am I missing something? Is there a clear story progress indicator that you can tease out of character or achievements?

Not currently, unfortunately. The hacky achievement approach is the closest you can get to via the API, at the moment.