Files API Missing Vista & Skillpoints ?
I’m deleveloping an interactive map, allowing the users to create “rooms” in which they can draw stuff (Unlike in-game, it is permanently stored) and share it to anyone. It could be useful for things like the recent vine attack on waypoints.
Anyway, I plan on using the render API to get the assets, but the files API doesn’t have the vista and skillpoint file ID/signature (which I need to use the render service)
So, is there something I missed, or is there no way to get those assets (besides just taking a screenshot in-game and manually extracting it) ?
Render API :
Files API :
Just use the wiki’s icons
Could be good, but mh, not quite the same as in-game :/
Edit : Actually, after searching for a while on the wiki, it turns out they also have the real in-game image. Thanks