Find Guild ID for API
I’ve got a script that pulls /account and matches the “guilds” array against a valid list for Teamspeak access. My problem is that the list of valid guilds isn’t static and I need a way to determine the game ID for a given guild. I enumerated an initial list off an old registration table but with new guilds coming and going I need a way to gather this.
I’m not looking for anything other than the internal guild id that the API uses to identify a guild. I could ask my GLs to provide that but I’ll need to explain to them how to do that, and I .. don’t know.
Lawton Campbell.8517:
You can use the old v1 endpoint to look up a guild by name, e.g., /v1/guild_details.json?guild_name=Arenanet. That’ll give you back the guild_id for any guild you want. I should probably add that functionality to the v2 endpoint, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.
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