Flashpoint Achievement Ids
Hi All,
I’m currently working on an app to suggest content based on missing achievements (since I’m bad at coming up with stuff for myself to do in game). I came across an error that’s puzzling me. Whenever I make an API for all the achievements in the flashpoint category, I’m getting “text”: “all ids provided are invalid”.
This also happens in the daily category.
This is my call for the Flashpoint category: https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/account/achievements?ids=3442,3418,3404,3431,3435,3401,3446,3396,3422,3412,3395,3428,3398,3437,3410,3407,3421,3424,3423,3427,3439,3405,3420,3403,3408,3430,3400,3402,3445,3447,3436,3429,3406,3433,3441,3434,3440&access_token=[redacted api-key]
Can seem to find anything about this in the forums currently. Hoping for a bit of insight. I have a hunch that it’s because I haven’t logged in yet, and maybe my account doesn’t have a status for these achievements, so there’s no reference? Is that a thing? It sounds far-fetched, but it’s all I can think of.
Lawton Campbell.8517:
So, two bits.
Daily achievements (well, all non-permanent achievements) don’t currently show up in /v2/account/achievements. There’s an open issue for this but I’m not sure when I’ll have time to implement it.
Using the ?ids parameter basically just returns a subset of all the account’s achievements — it won’t return anything that isn’t available when no parameters are provided. If the achievement ids don’t show up via just /v2/account/achievements, the API doesn’t think you have them.
Given the Flashpoint achievements are all permanent, it’s not clear to me why the API wouldn’t return them (unless you have no progress towards them?). Could you PM me the API key you’re using? I’d like to take a look and see if I can figure out what’s going on.
For me the given URL worked with my API Key. The only Problem I had was that I hat to replace & with a normal &.
This Forum seems to be html aware… I mean I had to replace ’& amp; ’ (without the space) with a normal &.
Ah! I now understand this issue. This is the issue: “The response shows every achievement that the account has progress on by ID.” So achievements need to have some progress on them to be returned. So I just need to put some error handling in for when achievements haven’t been touched.
Sorry for wasting everyone’s time with my inability to read clearly…
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Phew, glad this was something simple. There’s at least a couple lurking bugs in the API’s achievement bits and I was fearing for the worst!