Gw2 chat app
Like we kinda al know whatsapp i thought maybe make it also have a look a like for gw2, take for example what wil people do when they travel with a bus, waiting somewhere? Most people wil go chatting with friends so I thought if the make whisper/group/sqaud/guild chats seperate you stil can help others while waiting and still can contact players you “might” know.
Ofc. Inbox mail would be handy also but then without attachments like gold/items. So you have kinda a read only and responding.
Can be handy if need to contact some1 but only have acces to mobile and you aint like to give personal information like mobile number/emailadres. Short said keep your own gw2 privacy.
As security you can for example only attached mobile number to gw2 account can get into it so you prevent hacking or system abuse aswel