How to get area and merchant names?
From what I am able to find in the current v2 api I can get:
continent -> region -> map name(In api supported languages)
I would like to be able to go one further to area names, such as
Tyria -> Shiverpeak Mountains -> Snowden Drifts -> Dragon’s Rising (In API supported languages)
Additionally I would like a list of all merchants(vendors) that could be retrieved with the lang flag for localization. Although this request looks like it would be handled by an as yet unreleased vendors endpoint?
Are either of these things available in the current API and I am missing them?
Lawton Campbell.8517:
The areas you’re looking for are called sectors; they’re a sub-element of maps and can be retrieved e.g. via
The vendors, as described in the pull request, barely has any localized data. A “vendor” isn’t the NPC, it’s just the window with the items for sale. The main goals for the vendors endpoint were (1) to expose item pricing and (2) to expose rotating/daily vendor sales. There might be room in the future to provide a list of NPCs on each map (or in each sector) but that’s a much more difficult proposition (since a lot of NPCs are spawned via map scripts and so forth).
Thanks. That completely solves the first half.
Hopefully that NPC list can be realized some day. While I’m after localization of names, I’m sure there is a use case for knowing if an NPC is a conditional spawn, their type(heart/generic vendor/etc), and what sector(s) they could appear in.