
I would like to have the basic result where a temple is open.

Let’s take Balthazar as example. I’ve found these three events linked to it:

  1. D0ECDACE-41F8-46BD-BB17-8762EF29868C (Help the Pact reach the Altar of Betrayal)
  2. 7B7D6D27-67A0-44EF-85EA-7460FFA621A1 (Seize the Altar of Betrayal)
  3. 2555EFCB-2927-4589-AB61-1957D9CC70C8 (Defeat the Risen Priest of Balthazar)

At the moment, if I look at event_details.json?event_id=2555EFCB-2927-4589-AB61-1957D9CC70C8 I have 37 results, all of which are “Success”. I can’t believe that Balthazar is currently open on 37 worlds, given that the current time in the US is between 4:50 AM and 7:50 AM.

So what am I doing wrong?


You need to take the Defend Event (ill try and find out the id) into account. If it failed, the temple will be contested.
The previous events will still be on Success until the chain restarts.

Edit: I have yet to see the event so this is just an educated guess but i would try this event:

Help the Pact hold the Altar of Betrayal from the Risen.


That particular event will pretty much always show as success, since when they reach that stage it’s not terribly difficult to finish it. Once the temple is taken, the event’s not going to change status. I’d guess you’d need to keep track of the status of any quest required to keep the temple open as well, and probably do some work with that. I haven’t had enough coffee yet today to think about it past that though.


And Snowcub got to it while I was looking up some other stuff and zoning out at my desk, haha.


As long as the Defend event doesn’t show a status of “Fail”, then the temple should be uncontested.

According to my short script, for the US servers, Tarnished Coast Balthazar shrine should be uncontested right now.


It looks like the defend event should also not be in “Inactive” state.


It looks like the defend event should also not be in “Inactive” state.

That is because when I posted my reply the events API didn’t report “inactive” states then.

But thanks for updating this.