Leighwyn McClendon.9346:

I was excited to use the new API feature as a way to know the status of the 5 Temples/Cathedrals in Orr. I found what I thought were the corresponding “Defense” events for each, but am getting some funny results.

Specifically, each of the 5 events is returning a different size array [meaning that there are worlds missing from some or all].

There look to be 51 worlds (from here).
For Dwayna I see 50 results.
For Lyssa there are 48.
For Melandru there are 47.
For Grenth I get only 16?
Lastly, Balthazar gives 38.

Was curious if anyone had ideas why?


The Talcmaster.7391:

It’s pretty simple: The events are not currently in existence. If someone is in the middle of the chain for taking the event, then there shouldn’t be an instance in the list for the defense events. Grenth is considered unreasonably hard by most, so it’s not surprising that there are only 16 in defense. I don’t know how long an event stays in the listing, but it is likely to disappear by the time the next event in the chain starts.

Cliff Spradlin.3512:

I researched the events you asked about.

Talcmaster is on the right track. In this case, it means the event is inactive on the worlds that are not listed in your results, and has never switched to one of the documented states.

Inactive is a sort of undocumented state that we intend to correct and clarify in the future. For now, treat the lack of a result or an ‘Invalid’ state as ‘Inactive’. An event will only become active as a result of something else happening in the world, it will never become active just from time passing.


It’s pretty simple: The events are not currently in existence. If someone is in the middle of the chain for taking the event, then there shouldn’t be an instance in the list for the defense events. Grenth is considered unreasonably hard by most, so it’s not surprising that there are only 16 in defense. I don’t know how long an event stays in the listing, but it is likely to disappear by the time the next event in the chain starts.

That would be weird because if that is true then how would you determine the “Success” or “Fail” status. If a server failed the event, then how long would the “Fail” status be up before it disappears?

If you can’t always determine the “Success” or “Fail” status of an event, if they are transitional states that pass quickly, then how are we able to determine the state of the Orr temples? Or maybe we just can’t with this api?

Also I am seeing “Success” status for both “Seize the Altar of Betrayal before Pact morale can be broken” (which is a precursor for “Defeat the Risen Priest of Balthazar before it can summon a horde of Risen”) and “Defeat the Risen Priest of Balthazar before it can summon a horde of Risen” on my server.

The Talcmaster.7391:

You could probably determine its state by an aggregation of the entire chain of events involved in claiming the temple. But yeah, something that could determine if temples/waypoints/etc were contested or not would be more convenient.