Info on these API-things.
Hi, I have no idea how these API work, and I am not a software wiz.
I was just wondering if there are mods for forums like MyBB that could display on someone’s website the WvWvW map for a given server or a list of PvE events and the time till they start on that server. Is that even possible to do?
Thanks a lot in advance.
These are things which are easily possible with the current API. I think there’s no mod for a forum so far, but since one can write such apps mostly in javascript it would’t require much of a mod, more like one or 2 lines HTML in a forums template, the rest could be managed by the script which would be needed to include.
Thanks Smiley.
Now I just need to understand how to implement those 1-2 lines in HTML…
The wikimaps Project might be such an example – it just needs 1 line of HTML, 1 seperate javascript file and like 10 lines of javascript to invoke that stuff