Is the Api Result for Worlds Cached
I have been trying to get into tarnished coast but it is so full. Got Tired of having to login every 30 minutes or so. So I decided to create an application that calls the worlds api for tarnished coast and checks if it is full. As you can understand this might be a problem if the Api result is cached and not fresh each pull.
The Api:
So is it cached, does it get reset at any time? is it cached for a certain amount of time per call?
I would be interested in knowing this as well. I’m working on an application to allow players to select a server and it checks regularly and emails them when it sees that a server they want to join is not full. That being said, I’ve seen no change to any server the entire day. Not sure if they’re just not changing because the population isn’t changing or if like you said they cache the server status for a certain period of time.
Most API endpoints are cached for 5 minutes (as can be seen in the response headers).
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Most API endpoints are cached for 5 minutes (as can be seen in the response headers).
Specifically, either the Expires or Cache-Control headers.