

Whats the point of “lang” on recipe_details.json ? so far I’ve tried 80+ different items and none of them have a description at all or something that requires a localization, have anyone find any ?

I’m just trying to finish my wrapper and I just notice that I can’t test the localization on recipe_details.json because I can’t find one!

Cliff Spradlin.3512:

You’re right, there’s no point having a lang parameter for that API.

I’ve removed the reference to it in the documentation.

Thanks for pointing it out!


Hmm, wouldn’t it be better to add the recipe names instead?


Aren’t all the Recipes named after what they make?

Cliff Spradlin.3512:

Right, there are no recipe names, just the names of the items produced.


Well, at least a lot recipe names differ from the actual crafted item in a rarity suffix. For example:

the recipe is named: Perlen-Breitschwert der Fäulnis (Exotisch)
the crafted item is named: Perlen-Breitschwert der Fäulnis

A few recipes have completely different names as far as i can remember.

On the other hand, there are still the recipe-items which unlock several recipes – it would be nice to get that info somewhere too.

Cliff Spradlin.3512:

Are there any examples of recipe names that are not just “{item name} – {item rarity}”?


I couldn’t find any while browsing my wiki contributions - i believe most of them were translation errors which (hopefully) have been fixed in the meantime.

But i’ve found one special case: 3 recipes with the same name which create 3 different items with the same name:


The mystery tonic recipes are also only named after the item they create. It’s not a recipe, but an item naming problem. I don’t think there are any recipes that have a name different from the name of the item they create, except:

There’s a “starter crafting item” on every armor profession.
Armorsmith example:

  • Recipe #841 is shown in the crafting UI as “Mighty Chain Legs (Simple)”. It creates level 5 “Mighty Chain Legs” with fine rarity (ID#10730).
  • Recipe #424 is shown as “Mighty Chain Legs”. It creates level 10 “Mighty Chain Legs”, that also have fine rarity (#10280).

Recipes creating Masterwork, Rare and Exotic items alway get a rarity suffix (Masterwork is renamed to Master probably for space reasons).

Now, where does that “Simple” suffix come from? Is there special treatment in the UI for the armor starter items? There are no special flags I could find in the API indicating anything about this suffix.

Side note: can we add the corresponding recipe_id to the consumable items that unlock recipes (the ones that have "Recipe : " in their names)? Currently, there are several of these items that have names differing from the actual recipes (item names) they unlock. I suppose this is not not always intended and it might help us find irregularities easier.