Item flags returning flags + game_type
The item endpoint is not returning the correct flags, it seems to be combining game_type + flags. URL above returns:
It should return (according to the wiki):
Yea, noticed this too a few days ago. Item flags have gone wild! (or maybe something changing in preparation for the addon?)
Elfo Bianco.3786:
Related to Flags I have noticed that some items have incorrect flags. For example:
{"name":“20 Slot Fractal Uncommon Equipment Box”,“description”:“20 Slot. If possible, weapons and armor of uncommon rarity will fill this box before other empty spaces.”,“type”:“Bag”,level,“rarity”:“Masterwork”,vendor_value,“game_types”:[“Activity”,“Wvw”,“Dungeon”,“Pve”],“flags”:[“Activity”,“Wvw”,“Dungeon”,“Pve”,“AccountBindOnUse”],“restrictions”:[],id,“icon”:“”,“details”:{"no_sell_or_sort":false,size
is “AccountBindOnUse” while it should be “AccountBound” (because the 38013 item should be account bound on aquire).
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Ugh, I need better unit tests on the items endpoint.
I’ll try to have this sorted on Tuesday.
Elfo Bianco.3786:
Hi Lawton, I have found some items that exist in game but not in API:2/items, items like the following ID: 49957, 39151 and maybe something else.
I know that these items exist because I have them and API:2/characters/inventory returns their ID written above.
If you can check missing items while fixing flags I appreciate it, thank you ;D
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Hi Lawton, I have found some items that exist in game but not in API:2/items, items like the following ID: 49957, 39151 and maybe something else.
Already got a fix in the pipeline for that, not sure when it’s going to be live though.
May not be able to fix the flags fairly quickly, as it turns out.