Items / Recipes
First of all I want to thank you for this API! It is such a great feature for the game and an enormous possibility for programmer (like me) to do some cool stuff related to the game.
I just wanted to look into items/recipes: any chance that we could get items in collections? E.g. pass in a collection of ids and get a collection of item/recipe details? Or getting items by the type?
That would be awesome!
Thanks again for the amazing job you’re doing.
To do such a thing, you would have to save all the data fetched via the API in a DBMS with links between the tables “items” and “recipes” for example.
The data provided by this API is coming directly from the game, but I don’t think they would add additional computing like this on their servers.
I don’t see why not. They already support passing in a collection of item ids in their trading post api and their trading post api also allows you to search via their search filters, which includes item type.