Items only exist in commerce/prices?
Hello fellow API users. When retrieving the list of all items with their corresponding commerce prices, I noticed two items that have buy listings in the commerce prices, but does not exist in the items. Here are the links and results of what I’m talking about:
{"text":“no such id”}
{"text":“no such id”}
Is there something wrong with the API or am I retrieving the information incorrectly?
Convert the item identifier to a chat link and paste it in-game to find out what item is attached to that identifier. It’s usually some item that is supposed to be unobtainable.
How do I do that? I never done that before lol
I looked up the IDs on GW2Spidy and it shows that ID 9102 is Satchel of Pillaging Leather Armor (Masterwork), and 46743 is Xunlai Electrum Ingot. These items can be found in the trading post if you uncheck the Only Show Available. So if I’m not able to get the item’s info from /v2/items then where else can I look for it?
Let’s just wait and see what the devs have to say about this. Sounds like this should be in the API, so who knows why it isn’t.
Dr Ishmael.9685:
The recipe for crafting Xunlai Electrum Ingots hasn’t been implemented to the live game yet, so that item should not be appearing in either API endpoint.
Pat Cavit.9234:
Once upon a time you were able to place buy orders for whatever ID you wanted w/o restrictions. We have since changed that to enforce that the item has to have been sold on the TP before you can place a buy order. I thought Commerce had cleaned up all the bogus buy orders for items that had never been sold, but it looks like maybe that didn’t catch everything.
It’d be wonderful if commerce could clean out the buy orders for any order thats ‘buying’ the item at below the vendor/minimum TP allowed sale price.
Once upon a time you were able to place buy orders for whatever ID you wanted w/o restrictions. We have since changed that to enforce that the item has to have been sold on the TP before you can place a buy order. I thought Commerce had cleaned up all the bogus buy orders for items that had never been sold, but it looks like maybe that didn’t catch everything.
Cool, well that’s 2 more to your list :P. Also a bit off-topic and I don’t know if this helps any but as of the time I’m writing this I found 578 items that haves 0 Sell Orders (205 of them having 0 Buy Orders as well). So I’m guessing the other 373 buy orders should be cleaned up if they never been sold before?
@Crell I really hope they remove those buy orders in the game, I asked for a few times already because it annoys me when I’m trying to sell to the highest buyer xD.