

Just created a new APP since i didnt found something for my taste. Its just an Event Timer for the 9 events that drop chests. U will be notified by sound when a pre-event spawns on your server.

The code isn’t perfect and it will work only on java 1.6 > . The functionality to work behind proxy is beeing implemented … so don’t expect it to work out of the box.

Fixed on 0_5 > " Atm you only can choose server and the events r alrdy defined. In next releases you will be able to turnoff notifications for the events you already done or change the sound Volume."

To Execute it just double-click the Jar or if u prefer go to CMD> and type:
java -jar gw2dt.jar.

The app drop some output so if u have troubles with it , execute it throught CMD and send me the log.

You can find the JAR here:

The source is on SRC Folder.

If have any problem just email me to xifoxex@gmail.com.


  • Enabled Bar on Swing Frame With Events and File Items.
  • Enable or Disable Sound Notifications within this Items.
  • Elemental Timer Fixed.


  • Added Visual Notifications to events. Now if a PRE-Event is Active a Visual Notification on left side will appears. ( Only works on Full-Screen Windowed or Windowed ).
  • Clicking this Notification Will Disable future notifications for this event. Closing the Notification will just Close the Tab. ( working on a better solution ).
  • Added Karka Queen Event to the list.


  • Improved Notifications.
  • Button is now displayed on right corner.
  • Closing the Tab with the X Button will just Close the notification. It will pop-up next time you recive a warning for the event.
  • Clicking inside the Notification will disable Sound and Visual notifications for the event.
  • Multiple Visual Notifications can appear at the same time.