

I’ve made a little custom timer for the guild I’m in that people seem to really appreciate, so first off I just want to say thanks for the API, it’s been making my obsessive brain code for the last couple of days.

Today I heard from a fellow guildie that the Karka Queen meta event will be a permanent addition to GW2, which is great (give me more rares!!!)! I am a bit curious though as to what ID corresponds to what location on the map.

This is what I have so far:
“E1CC6E63-EFFE-4986-A321-95C89EA58C07”:“Steampipe Steading”

Could you help me out with the last 3 locations? My server (Desolation) seem to kill Karka Queen very fast so I never get the chance to map the other locations she might spawn at, hehe…

Thank you!