

with the new /continents API some things have been made impossible:

Get a single floor info with only the region-IDs for that floor, not the whole region-infos
Get a single region info with only the map-IDs for that region, not the whole map-infos
Get a single map info with only the task/poi/sector IDs, not with the whole infos.

I get that the new API is a nice way to pull e.g. information for a live-map with one single request, but it has problems in a system that works in a more “progressive” way searching its data node by node.

When I only want region info (e.g. just the name), I have to pull the complete region info, even when I just want the name and map-IDs.

I’d suggest you add an “expand”-query-value that allows to you specify how many levels deep the request should expand the contents of child elements.

/continents/1/floors/1/regions/1?expand=0 = Expand nothing. Only IDs will be returned
/continents/1/floors/1/regions/1?expand=1 = Expand only the maps, not POIs, Sectors and Tasks
/continents/1/floors/1/regions/1?expand=2 = Expand two levels deep (POIs, Sectors and tasks in this case)
/continents/1/floors/1/regions/1?expand=all = Expand every level recursively

Right now I have to pull like 200.000 Bytes to get the ~40 Bytes I’m actually interested in and there is no way around it.

Thank you in advance


Lawton Campbell.8517:

Makes sense to me; I’ll stick it onto the backlog.