
As the events API is broken because of the Megaserver update:

Are the new Megaserver Event-Times available als plain old hardcoded XML or JSON file anywhere?

Thanks in advance!


I’d be willing to throw something together for you. But you could probably do it faster yourself using the information in this news article:

Here’s a template that you could use as a guideline:


	<rotation event_id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">




Looks like someone already did this:


I didn’t like the format that was used in the other forum post. This attachment is my idea of what an event schedule should look like.

While making this schedule, I noticed that the triple trouble wurms don’t appear in the event_details API. Is this a bug or a feature?


Thank you very much for your answers.

I realized that the Great Jungle Wurm events (Crimson, Cobalt and Amber) do not have an event_id.

Is it possible to retrieve the event_id of those events, in order to be able to load details and localized texts via EventDetails.json?


Impossible, because the event_details endpoint itself does not have entries for these 3 events. Otherwise I would have added them to the rotations.

Alternatively, you can assign your own ID values, separate from the event_id values that are used for the events API.

	<rotation local_id="0" event_id="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">

Instead of that, I’d wait for a fix. The Triple Trouble event is not even a popular event anyway. Considering that it’s impossible to do with an unorganized group, you’d think that anyone who’s actually interested in completing the event knows when it starts.


By the way: The XML File you provided as attachment seems to contain wrong times, or am I doing something wrong?

The Shadow Behemoth seems to have valid times for Central European Time, whereas other events, like Taidha Covington, has invalid start times?

I’m currently working on a fix for this.


I used Excel to generate the XML file from the table that was posted in the news article. Are you sure that you’re not just mixing up the time zones? All times are encoded as + 00:00, otherwise known as UTC. You can convert to CET (+ 01:00), CEST (+ 02:00) or other time zones in code.


Boss rotations have changed since my last post on this thread. Here is the updated XML.

EDIT: fixing errors