Mumble Link: Add player health?
Would it be possible to add player health, as a percentage, to the Mumble Link API? I would allow for applications where people’s voices got quieter/louder as their health pool changed etc.
That’s a good idea! Since launch of the /v2 API and it’s authorized endpoints there’s some data in the identity block which is redundant or unnessecary anyway. Time to clean up and add cool (realtime) stuff!
// Mumble Link Identity
// JSON-encoded string with the following fields
"name": "Stabby Mcstabberson",
"profession": 5,
"map_id": 50,
"world_id": 1001,
"team_color_id": 0,
"commander": false
"character_id": "SOME UUID STRING",
"map_id": 50,
"team_color_id": 0,
"commander": false,
"health": 27586,
"supply": 15,
Pull request time?
I’m still at work… will do later
{"name": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","profession": 1,"race": 1,"map_id": 1029,"world_id": 268435516,"team_color_id": 0,"commander": false,"fov": 1.222,"supply": 100,"health": 300000}
Is 193 characters already, the mumble wiki defines the field as wchar_t identity[256], so I may get be getting a bit angsty about how big those numbers can get and what other nonsense we want added there :P
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Also the mumble wiki says not to update it that often — because it’s just raw shared memory there’s no explicit synchronization. I’m a bit worried about hammering it with writes (e.g., the consumer might read corrupted JSON).
I really really want to just have like … a local websocket or something that you can connect to to register for events, but that’s still a long way off.
{"name": “00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”,“profession”: 1,“race”: 1,“map_id”: 1029,“world_id”: 268435516,“team_color_id”: 0,“commander”: false,“fov”: 1.222,“supply”: 100,“health”: 300000}
Is 193 characters already, the mumble wiki defines the field as wchar_t identity256, so I may get be getting a bit angsty about how big those numbers can get and what other nonsense we want added there :P
Thats why i’ve thrown out all the redundant stuff. The only character info we’d need is the ID. Anything else is available via the API. So it’d be cool if we could get some more data here which is hard to get via the API.
Also the mumble wiki says not to update it that often — because it’s just raw shared memory there’s no explicit synchronization. I’m a bit worried about hammering it with writes (e.g., the consumer might read corrupted JSON).
I really really want to just have like … a local websocket or something that you can connect to to register for events, but that’s still a long way off.
Ok, corrupted JSON isn’t cool. I mean, most of the data doesn’t change that often anyways, so an update every couple seconds would be ok, wouldn’kitten Ok, the player’s health would be sort of a problem then…
Give the health as a percentage, not as a number (or a decimal from 0 – 1) at is a more flexible system and is handled better when you have vitality on one weapon not another for example.