MumbleLink return ID Map -1 after Update
I use Tactical Overlay (TacO) and after the update, all ID Map are -1
I dont understand if it’s a problem of TacO or MumbleLink or API.
Lawton Campbell.8517:
That sounds like an issue on my end, let me look into it.
EDIT: A quick glance at the changelog doesn’t show anything that should break anything (but did find a bit of stupid — I added a “map” field which contains the same thing as “map_id”). The old “map_id” field should have the same correct value as before, but I’m making a debug client build to double-check that. On the other front, I can’t get Gw2Taco’s PDB to be read in correctly by MSVS2013, so I’m unable to peek at their internals
TL;DR still verifying the issue, not sure what the ETA will be on a fix.
I’m not the dev of TacO, he has find the patch to do with your information, this is good now. Very thanks for all informations.