
There have been problems with the WvW kill and death tracking in the API since the implementation of PPK.

It looks like the erratic behavior has been eliminated BUT for some reason the values for kills and deaths reset around the EU WvW reset time. I suspect that the values will reset again during the NA reset but the interruption creates problems for developers kill tracking.


It also seems that the EU WvW kills and deaths are being reset during the NA reset.

Looks like global resets are happening rather than EU or NA kills/death resets.

Lawton Campbell.8517:

Bleh, the kill/death data has been flaky since I implemented it.

I’m really not sure why the NA/EU resets are causing each other to reset — I thought I’d quashed that — but I’ll see if I can get it fixed. Re-opened the github issue for this.


It seems like the resetting bug is still around, any progress on a fix for it?

Lawton Campbell.8517:

IIRC I missed the last release; the fix should be going out with this one. Pretty sure there’s another fix that removes obsidian sanctum kills/deaths from the totals that’ll be going out tomorrow too (need to check on that).