New Application: GW2 Sidekick !
Greetings developers !
First off, thank you to the dev team and all contributors to the API for making this possible
It is my pleasure to announce the release of my new GW2 application, GW2 Sidekick for android users ! Currently the app is available to user in the US / CAN / UK / AUS. The application can be found on the play store: GW2 Sidekick
This application intends to be the best mobile game companion available with a whole suite of useful features that will continually be expanded upon in the future ! I am a one man team, so any feedback you give is 100% acknowledged and useful to my development!
Multiple features including:
- Account Features —-—-
- Overview
- Characters Page
- Wallet
- Bank Storage
- Account Inventory
- Character Features —-—-
- Equipment Pane
- Character Specific Inventory
- Additional Features —-—-
- Background Synchronization
- Local Database Caching
- Adjustable Update Rates
- More to Come Soon —-—-
- PvP statistics and League Play Tracking
- Trading Post watchlist
- item price history / market statistics
- Customizable notifications
- User Suggested material !
Please take a chance to check it out! Give it a rating! Let me know what you think! I Hope to make this into an even greater tool for all GW2 players! See you all in-game!
Is it possible to implement interaction with game server so we can not only view but also act. Like correction of prices of current TP sell/buy listings. Is it even possible?
Lawton Campbell.8517:
Is it possible to implement interaction with game server so we can not only view but also act. Like correction of prices of current TP sell/buy listings. Is it even possible?
No, nor will that ever likely be possible.
Thats what i thought so, its probably security related. Hope ArenaNet develops something official so maybe than we could see such features. Still, GW2 is young MMO and there is bright future in front of us. WoW got official app after more than 10 years.
Sorry to be a worrier, but is this safe ? I just don’t want to put my info in this app and lose everything
Elfo Bianco.3786:
Sorry to be a worrier, but is this safe ? I just don’t want to put my info in this app and lose everything
Guild Wars 2 API are read only, so an app can only shows something about what you have unlocked or not on your game account, what you have in the bank/inventory etc, but that app can’t edit anything on your game account, so you can’t lose money, items etc…
Just remember that all the apps that use API require an API key with any permission, but at least “account” permission, anyway nobody should ask you about your game account/password. So never write them even if asked somewhere, and never use the same email for apps and game.
p.s. The only thing you can be worried about is that some apps could store data retrieved from API. It is always safe, but maybe someone doesn’t even like to give personal account data for statistics only.
It is safe as much as your ArenaNet account is. If someone is able to hack in to your account he will do it with or without API keys. You are worried if showing your account info can make you a target? If you are extremely rich than you can be a target but you must be aware that its not easy to hack such accounts. Stupid and naive ppl are real targets for hackers.