New Timer Clarifications
Ice of Dragons.1637:
I wrote this a few days ago into the live world but got no aver. Maybe someone here can help me.
I just read the new improved world timers and was really happy whit the upgrade.
But i was a bit confused by the standard rotations. can someone please clarifie how are the timers now.
Standard Rotation—The six world events in this rotation will continue to activate on the hour and 30 minutes past the hour. This rotation is now independent of all other rotations. The TBD event slot has been removed.
Lets pressume the old timers stay the same. Does it mean that TBD were removed for the hardcore rotation or standard ? If for standard rotation what events ? And the independent part is misleding i think it was meant that it can overlap whit harcore rotations, but it sounds like the times are all new now.
Thnx arena net for new times.
Sol Solus.3167:
The PDF on this news page is up-to-date and decently organized.
Ice of Dragons.1637:
The PDF on this news page is up-to-date and decently organized.
Thank you