Non-craftable, Non-TP Crafting Items
Sorry if this is an old topic. Only just starting using these forums and the search function doesn’t seem to be working for me. Anyway. Does there exist a machine readable list of these types of items anywhere, along with prices or acquisition information (for items that cannot be bought from crafting vendors / karma merchants). I’m creating a section of my app that calculates crafting cost for all items, and this is obviously necessary information. I know the bigger gw2 sites must have solved this, but I don’t see anyone offering the info in like a json or csv file, which would be ideal. If not I’d be glad to start compiling one in google spreadsheets for others who are interested.
To find if the item is craftable or not, I do a check through the dictionary of recipes, if it contains the said item as an output.
If item is not present on TP but is craftable – it is soul/acc bound.
If not present on TP and not craftable (forge including) – karma item.
What I’m looking for is a list of items, sold by vendors. I can live without karma-merchants, but really need simple vendors to not take incorrect prices from TP. Any idea?
Lawton Campbell.8517:
If item is not present on TP but is craftable – it is soul/acc bound.
As a note, it’s probably better to check the SoulbindOnAcquire/AccountBindOnAcquire flags from the /v2/items response.
True. I just work with crafting and TP now, so come to such items from that side.