OAuth Status
Killer Rhino.6794:
Can we get an update on the progress of OAuth? Thanks!
The status is almost certainly “it’s being actively developed”.
As for what you’re most likely looking for, some form of release schedule, well, this is ANet, and their overall policy is not to give public release times unless they are 100% certain about it.
I have a feeling that OAuth support, and the related APIs, will come as a “when it’s ready” release.
[pure speculation]
That said, they had that big maintenance downtime last night, where it looks like they may have updated the user account records. This could be a good sign, as this might have been prompted by adding support for OAuth keys or the like to accounts.
[/pure speculation]
Stefan Larimore.6872:
Our OAuth2 implementation is basically complete. But we are awaiting actual APIs which take advantage of it before it is released. These APIs are in active development.
Ah good to know it’s in the works – Just yesterday I was curious whether there was some method to authenticate against a gw user account.
Hope it comes soon!
I wet myself.
Good News.
One suggestion I’d make would be to launch OAuth with only a small set of APIs behind them, preferrably ones that are on the less sensitive side of the scale. Then release additional APIs later as they are ready.
This would allow the community to get the libraries and implementations working and well understood, as well as working through any unforseen issues with the OAuth layer. (When does /anything/ ever work at scale the way it did on the drawing board?)
Should there be any issues with security, then the exposure would be limited.
Not to mention, it would help build and keep excitement up. The lull of late has likely dampened the mood of several developers.
Shiny. Can’t wait to see this happen, I’ve been waiting since beta for TP prices.
Killer Rhino.6794:
So, umm…any further updates? Honestly, at this point, I have zero problem with: “Ain’t happening till 2015.”
I hope Oauth support is till being considered. It would help with a project I am working on.