
It’s been a while since I’ve done any programming in php. What would a simple php request (that then puts the request into a string) for say the events.json look like?

How about a java servlet version of that?


Haven’t tested this code, but something like this should work for PHP (curl is required):

// create a new cURL resource
$ch = curl_init();

// set URL and other appropriate options
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, “https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/events.json?world_id=1001”);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // so curl_exec returns data

// grab URL and pass it to the browser; store returned data
$curlRes = curl_exec($ch);

// close cURL resource, and free up system resources

// Decode returned JSON so it can be handled as a multi-dimensional associative array
$data = json_decode($curlRes, true);


That code should work, i’m using something almost exactly like that for my stuff.


If you find cURL too hard to understand at first you can easily get away with file_get_contents for GET requests

$data = json_decode( file_get_contents($url) );


file_get_contents() needs allow_url_fopen set to true, so it’s no option to rely on since a lot providers don’t allow it for security reasons.
If you want your script to run on any server, try something like this:


function gw2_api_request($request){
	$url = parse_url('https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/'.$request);
	if(!$fp = @fsockopen('ssl://'.$url['host'], 443, $errno, $errstr, 5)){
		return 'connection error: '.$errno.', '.$errstr;

	$nl = "\r\n";
	$header = 'GET '.$url['path'].'?'.$url['query'].' HTTP/1.1'.$nl.'Host: '.$url['host'].$nl.'Connection: Close'.$nl.$nl;
	fwrite($fp, $header);
	stream_set_timeout($fp, 5);

	//in case of a chunked response, try http://stackoverflow.com/a/3290822
	$response = '';
		if(strlen($in = fread($fp,1024))==0){
		$response.= $in;

	$response = explode($nl,$response);
	if(isset($response[0]) && $response[0] == 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'){
		$response = json_decode($response[count($response)-1]);

	return $response;


Here’s something extremely simple for the curious PHP beginners that simply want a quick result. Wouldn’t recommend building on this method though:

function getItem($id) {
$response = file_get_contents(“https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/item_details.json?item_id=”.$id);
$response = json_decode($response, false);

return $response;

//Use as following:
echo getItem(12345)->name;

Alternatively I use the HttpRequest class

function getItem($id)
$req = new HttpRequest(‘https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/item_details.json’, HttpRequest::METH_GET);

//Add GET values, in this case just the item_id and language
‘item_id’ => $id,
‘lang’ => ‘en’

try {
//Sends it and fills $result Object
$result = $req->send();

//If any errors
} catch (HttpException $ex) {
echo $ex;

return ($result);




protip: try the [pre] tag to post code

What i’ve written just one post before applies also to your first code example.