
Near as I can tell, a lot of the new items from the 10/22 patch are not in the items API:
is the recipe for Berserker’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia
it calls for item_id 76614 (Gossamer Patch)
however, there is no 76614 on
and: returns {"text":“no such id”}

interestingly, they do seem to be on the commerce api

Sariel V.7024:

I reported this on Friday. skins and items are both not updating.


They just got added 20 minutes ago.

Pat Cavit.9234:

Still a somewhat manual process to whitelist new items (in an attempt to prevent spoilers/datamining ourselves). Sorry for the delay, Friday was a really odd day here!


thank you


Could you also add new specializations info in API?

There is nothing about Revenant for example.
+ assets images (icons and background)


Lawton Campbell.8517:

Will try to get the Revenant stuff in today — the assets in /v2/files won’t be there for awhile as changing that requires a patch (and it’s not serious enough for a hotfix, I think).


also, Scribe is not mentioned in any recipe discipline
Copper Nib:
Recipe that makes it:

Lawton Campbell.8517:

Whoops; not sure when the fix for that will go out, but there will be a fix at some point. Sorry about that!


no worries, thanks for looking into it I can’t imagine that one would be easy, it’s not just new recipes that would get edited, even things like bolt of jute.


similarly, the recipe to make Basic Scribing Kit is not in the recipes API
also Fine Scribing Kit
and Journeyman’s Scribing Kit
and Master’s Scribing Kit
and Grandmaster’s Scribing Kit

Or is it something like, they aren’t there if they haven’t been made by someone yet?


There are quite a few recipes missing. These are for example all recipes linked from CraftingRecipe items that don’t exist currently:

7020, 11018, 10448, 11396, 11595, 10612, 10715, 10568, 10082, 10564, 11055, 9999, 9927, 11703, 11650, 10848, 10851, 10935, 10943, 10044, 11299, 11555, 10213, 9964, 10543, 11198, 10879, 11700, 10858, 10058, 11175, 11290, 11069, 10165, 11028, 11456, 10040, 10009, 10803, 11477, 11542, 10680, 10465, 11532, 10188, 10664, 11142, 11466, 10342, 10197, 10316, 10953, 10526, 10466, 11631, 11668, 10695, 10487, 10781, 11340, 11076, 10779, 10083, 11372, 10558, 10455, 11258, 10161, 11164, 10404, 10248, 10869, 10436, 10670, 11074, 11660, 10860, 10753, 10789, 11472, 10171, 11117, 11557, 10660, 11453, 11001, 11689, 10032, 11267, 11289, 10713, 10403, 10304, 10777, 11697, 11276, 11048, 11376, 11667, 10685, 11211, 11362, 11129, 11334, 10172, 10381, 10631, 10783, 11707, 9962, 10861, 9991, 11508, 10978, 11262, 11721, 11032, 9956, 10295, 10418, 11601, 11478, 10137, 10852, 10807, 9955, 11687, 11539, 10345, 10773, 11435, 11201, 10900, 10822, 10763, 10504, 10123, 11296, 10712, 10992, 10233, 10745, 10125, 10035, 10138, 10561, 10478, 10995, 11422, 10824, 11388, 9984, 10458, 9972, 10908, 11229, 11386, 11547, 10068, 10536, 10676, 11706, 11377, 9931, 11526, 11501, 11244, 9963, 10112, 10750, 11147, 10107, 1031

Lawton Campbell.8517:

Sorry, been out sick all week and haven’t had a chance to go through the whitelist queue.

Just went through it, so most of those ids should be whitelisted once the caches expire.


nice, thank you
these are the 290 recipe id’s I found that are newly whitelisted:
9923, 9932, 9933, 9937, 9942, 9950, 9955, 9960, 9970, 9971, 9982, 10007, 10016, 10019, 10021, 10025, 10026, 10027, 10028, 10031, 10032, 10036, 10040, 10048, 10051, 10052, 10062, 10067, 10079, 10085, 10090, 10091, 10093, 10105, 10107, 10114, 10121, 10125, 10131, 10135, 10151, 10158, 10160, 10175, 10184, 10189, 10190, 10191, 10200, 10201, 10204, 10205, 10208, 10209, 10210, 10223, 10233, 10238, 10239, 10242, 10244, 10249, 10266, 10287, 10288, 10303, 10306, 10307, 10325, 10326, 10341, 10358, 10366, 10368, 10376, 10400, 10404, 10405, 10406, 10409, 10411, 10419, 10443, 10444, 10447, 10455, 10464, 10466, 10473, 10476, 10487, 10488, 10489, 10490, 10494, 10495, 10496, 10501, 10518, 10523, 10533, 10541, 10547, 10551, 10561, 10562, 10569, 10571, 10585, 10591, 10598, 10600, 10602, 10619, 10621, 10625, 10636, 10640, 10654, 10665, 10668, 10673, 10675, 10676, 10689, 10695, 10701, 10708, 10709, 10710, 10730, 10732, 10745, 10746, 10751, 10760, 10761, 10783, 10787, 10789, 10791, 10795, 10797, 10815, 10822, 10824, 10826, 10848, 10869, 10871, 10875, 10897, 10906, 10908, 10912, 10913, 10918, 10919, 10923, 10931, 10937, 10942, 10945, 10948, 10951, 10959, 10972, 10973, 10981, 10983, 10984, 10987, 10990, 11001, 11020, 11021, 11033, 11039, 11051, 11052, 11053, 11054, 11055, 11070, 11081, 11084, 11096, 11112, 11142, 11147, 11155, 11158, 11161, 11169, 11179, 11189, 11193, 11197, 11219, 11223, 11232, 11237, 11252, 11260, 11267, 11269, 11277, 11281, 11286, 11292, 11297, 11309, 11321, 11328, 11331, 11334, 11336, 11342, 11346, 11349, 11365, 11373, 11392, 11399, 11401, 11409, 11421, 11427, 11431, 11432, 11434, 11440, 11446, 11448, 11449, 11450, 11458, 11459, 11464, 11476, 11479, 11496, 11504, 11508, 11515, 11519, 11527, 11529, 11531, 11542, 11544, 11545, 11551, 11558, 11564, 11565, 11566, 11570, 11573, 11580, 11586, 11604, 11606, 11612, 11615, 11623, 11624, 11632, 11655, 11656, 11681, 11686, 11692, 11711, 11716, 11717, 11720, 11721, 11723, 11725, 11735, 11736, 11737, 11738, 11739, 11740, 11741, 11742, 11743, 11744

there are a lot on darth’s list that still aren’t here (141 of 172):
7020, 11018, 10448, 11396, 11595, 10612, 10715, 10568, 10082, 10564, 9999, 9927, 11703, 11650, 10851, 10935, 10943, 10044, 11299, 11555, 10213, 9964, 10543, 11198, 10879, 11700, 10858, 10058, 11175, 11290, 11069, 10165, 11028, 11456, 10009, 10803, 11477, 10680, 10465, 11532, 10188, 10664, 11466, 10342, 10197, 10316, 10953, 10526, 11631, 11668, 10781, 11340, 11076, 10779, 10083, 11372, 10558, 11258, 10161, 11164, 10248, 10436, 10670, 11074, 11660, 10860, 10753, 11472, 10171, 11117, 11557, 10660, 11453, 11689, 11289, 10713, 10403, 10304, 10777, 11697, 11276, 11048, 11376, 11667, 10685, 11211, 11362, 11129, 10172, 10381, 10631, 11707, 9962, 10861, 9991, 10978, 11262, 11032, 9956, 10295, 10418, 11601, 11478, 10137, 10852, 10807, 11687, 11539, 10345, 10773, 11435, 11201, 10900, 10763, 10504, 10123, 11296, 10712, 10992, 10035, 10138, 10478, 10995, 11422, 11388, 9984, 10458, 9972, 11229, 11386, 11547, 10068, 10536, 11706, 11377, 9931, 11526, 11501, 11244, 9963, 10112, 10750

darth, where are you getting this list? none of these remainder appear on the list of recipe id’s. what are some of the items they make?


Im querying my database for all items with details.unlock_type = “CraftingRecipe” where details.recipe_id does not exist in my recipe table.

Here is the current export with unlocking item id and name:


I didn’t check all of them, but here’s some I was able to identify:
Recipe: Satchel of Apothecary’s Prowler Armor
using this item unlocks the ability to craft 39424 (Satchel of Apothecary’s Prowler Armor), which is recipe_id 7019

Recipe: Charged Ambrite Orichalcum Ring
using this item unlocks the ability to craft 67633 (Charged Ambrite Orichalcum Ring), which is recipe_id 9856

Pahua and Ruka and Commander and others, I don’t know what they are much less if they are in the game or not :P. can’t seem to find any info on the items they make, only the recipe sheets.


My website gw2treasures is pretty good at finding (guessing) the item that is made (example: based on the name. I guess I could also guess the ingredients and required discipline based on type, attributes, level and rarity, but I would rather have those recipes in the API.

Lawton Campbell.8517:

Ah yeah, they don’t appear in the whitelist until they’ve actually been crafted. I should probably change that.