Plans for a Gem Store API?
Hey guys,
I was wondering if you guys ever talked about exposing the gem store items that are currently available along with their respective prices in gems?
I know I could build some fun and useful tools with this.
I’d enjoy it being implemented. It’d be fun to wrap, and should let me know as soon as a sale begins/ends or if something showed up I have been waiting for.
Make it so, devs c:
Pat Cavit.9234:
Asking around to see how people feel about exposing that data.
I would see a couple main uses for this:
1) Automated Notification of added/deleted items… However as long as we have Dulfy, she does an excellent job of this.
2) Posting tables of item prices in terms of gold (use current gold→gem rate)
IMO, It’d be nice to have it on the list, but it should be pretty low, unless it’s really quick to crank out.
Some fields to make it useful:
- ItemID
- [{qty: 1, gems:250}, {qty:5, gems:1000}, {qty:25, gems:4500}, {qty:1, gems:150, limit:1}]
- Expiry time, if any
- Gemstore sections (the tabs across the top)
Pat Cavit.9234:
Got the ok to expose the data, won’t have future sales or anything and may be missing a few items if we can’t come up w/ a good way to represent them.
This data is super-easy to get, so shouldn’t take long. I’ll try to get a PR together at some point.
You’re awesome Pat, thank you!
Got the ok to expose the data, won’t have future sales or anything and may be missing a few items if we can’t come up w/ a good way to represent them.
This data is super-easy to get, so shouldn’t take long. I’ll try to get a PR together at some point.
Don’t forget the forum post when you open the endpoint! Looking forward to adding it to my wrapper.
Hey Pat, i was trying to see if there was API data for gem store items and didn’t want to double post. Came upon this thread so thought I’d ask if this is still going to be implemented?
Lawton Campbell.8517:
I actually have half an implementation lying around somewhere. I don’t remember what was wrong with it that caused me to pause working on it; will have to revisit it. IIRC there was some weirdness with emitting packages (or maybe it was the interplay between packages and discounts, I don’t recall).
Cool! I think a lot of us would love an API for the Gem store for things like sale alerts, items coming back into circulation, etc, which would hopefully directly translate to increased sales to you guys so it’s a win win for everyone.
Illconceived Was Na.9781:
Just identifying the items would be very helpful to a lot of people (including, theoretically, the wiki, since they can toggle field which changes the article to show whether it’s available or not).
Showing a discount would be an important bonus function.